My corset cut top is still missing its zipper and then it's ready to be shared. While I couldn't work with the top more I attacked my "little" project *coughs* from last spring - resizing XXL jeans with "few" sizes.
Really, I the original pants could've fitted two girls of my size easily! Sadly I don't have a picture! :D I got them from school where someone had abandoned them. I don't wonder why someone had done that because the quality of sewing was quite... Bad. But I resized the seams so much that it wasn't a problem anymore. I'm very happy with the result, they fit me nicely, material is lovely (stretch, naturally), high waist looks good and they're good tight.
I made a hip pocket from my father's old jean cloth. Stretch and Levis. Washed denim and new dark blue. I like the result of mitch match! :)
More profile pictures about these jeans coming, that's almost a promise, because I put them tomorrow to a New Year's party at my friend's. Already looking forward but... I don't have a single clue about what else to wear! "Code" was to wear 'simple and easy' but of course I already stress in front of my wardrobe, finger in mouth, swearing y I don't have any nice top to go with these for tomorrow?
Maybe I should just coordinate around a white long sleeved shirt and pick some jewelry. Something just casual with jewels and cute, bit messy hair. Or a white T-shirt and some cardigan... Dame it!
I wish I had now a white boy collar shirt. :) I would put it!
you can never go wrong with a shirt and a statement necklace :)
VastaaPoistahappy nye! x
wow good job with those jeans!
Thank you, Tess, and g, b & l, I'll go with that. :D You're right, there's no space for getting wrong with such a coordination!
VastaaPoistalove that jeans
VastaaPoistahappy 2011!
please review my revitalash post and ask me questions :)