Yes, I got from my mom as a late Christmas present all Jane Austen's famous books in a cute little box!
I have only seen the Sense and Sensibility movie (newer edition) and I liked it much. I'm ashamed that I haven't ever actually read Jane Austen before and so I'm thrilled about all these books! Now I have Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park and Persuasion actual between covers.
...And what covers! These books are so small and the pages are painted with glittering gold! This cute books can't be off my hands for very long, so I think I have to start reading them soon.
I wonder what the language is like though? Old English is tricky to read but oh well, I have good dictionaries and my vocabulary would grow in very fancy way. ;)
Magic sparkles! |
Who knows, maybe I'll get lost in Austen's world?
Mä yritin katsoa Ylpeys ja ennakkoluulon uutta leffaversiota mutta oli mun mielestä aika surkee... BBC:n vanha sarjaversio on ihana :) Ja sitten toi Mansfield Park on ihana ja kans Northanger Abbey ♥
VastaaPoistaMinä en ole tota BBC:n sarjaa katsonut, niin vertailuvaraa ei ollut. :D Hassua, että en ole koskaan ennen kuullutkaan Mansfield Parkista ja Northanger Abbeystä aikaisemmin, vaikka nuo muut ovatkin suht tuttuja! No ainakin kirjat ovat sen kokoisia, että voin helposti nakata ne laukkuuni mukaan ja lukea lyseon portaissa. ;)
VastaaPoistaSen sarjan jälkeen sä et pysty kattomaan leffaa enää kunnolla, koska sarjan Elizabeth on paljon ihanempi kuin Keira ja ah Mr. Darcya!
VastaaPoistaYou are really pretty, and i like and follow your blog. Hope you will follow mine too //